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Plantar Warts

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Plantar warts are lesions which occur on the soles of the feet. They are generally well circumscribed lesions which can occur as singular or multiple lesions. Unlike corns which tend to look quite similar, warts have no skin lines running through them, are painful to squeeze and often have small black dots in their centre which represent the blood vessels within the wart tissue.



Warts are caused by a virus. There are many different types of wart viruses, some more resistant than others. The wart virus can be picked up in public showers, swimming centres and walking barefoot over infected areas. Warts tend to be very contagious so family members with warts should take care to prevent spread of the infection.


Treatment and Prevention:

Most warts are harmless and clear up without treatment.

The length of time it takes a wart to disappear will vary from person to person. It may take up to two years for the viral infection to leave your system and for the wart to disappear.

You might decide to treat your wart if it is painful, or in an area that is causing discomfort or embarrassment.

Common methods of treatment include:

  • saliyic acid
  • cryotherapy (freezing the skin cells)
  • duct tape
  • chemical treatments

Treatment for warts is not always completely effective, and a wart will sometimes return following treatment.

Surgery is not usually recommended for warts.


What can a Chiropodist do for you?

  • Perform a physical exam and identify the source of problem and discuss treatment options.
  • Boost the immune system just as you do to fight cold and flu viruses (i.e. Good diet and Vitamin/Mineral supplements may be advised)
  • Chemical cautery (breakdown of the tissues with strong chemicals) to the warty lesions. Single warts usually require 6 to 8 treatments. 
  • Multiple warts may be more resistant and take longer to clear.Wart patches and various paints may be prescribed by your chiropodist for use between chiropody consultations. Discontinue use if pain occurs.
  • Recommend appropriate footwear as needed to reduce stress from the inside of the toe for long-term prevention.
  • Recommend long-term control and prevention techniques.


Foot Advice - Please click on image

OUR HCPC QUALIFICATIONS mean we are Government regulated with strict guidelines & Covid mitigating measures to keep you safe.


Stowmarket podiatrists (Chiropodists) are all HCPC  Registered and Members of the Royal College of Podiaitrists.         ( Chiropodists)  Only HCPC registered practitioners (Previously known as State Registered) are by law allowed to use the Protected titles: 

     Chiropodists & Podiatrists

Please be aware 

Foot Health Practitioners are not Podiatrists or Chiropodists .

CHECK THE HCPC to confirm the person looking after your feet is HCPC Registered and allowed to use the title Podiatrist or Chiropodist


Feel free to check registration details by click on the HCPC logo and enter the Practitioners name and profession


We use professional medical equipment  and sterilsed instruments & wear PPE throughout your treatment.

Health Professional Council 

Pair of feet Ltd only use 

Practitioners who are Registered with the Health & Care Professions Council . HCPC are the Regulating body that ensure that Registered professionals meet the Governments high standards in training, professional skills, behaviour and health.

Royal College of Podiaitry 

The Royal College of Chiropodists and Podiatrists is the largest independent professional body in the UK and represent HCPC Registered chiropodists /podiatrists.Previoiusly known as  The Society of Chiropodists 

State Registered Nurses ,Chiropodists  Physiotherapists etc are no longer known as State Registered but as HCPC Registered Practitioners 


Professional Chiropody Equipment

Stowmarket podiatry operate from a purpose built  Clinic in Stowmarket, we use only professional equipment and systems to make sure you have a worry free treatment.We can offer car parking and easy ground floor access


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T: 01449 675600 or  call text   07864606654


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The Arches, 47 Bury Street, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1HD